Thursday, 11 July 2013

Car Booting 5 - Great Amwell

In this new addition to my Car Boot Sale travels, I encountered a field in Hertfordshire with a number of cool finds to add to my collection.

I first heard about this car boot sale from a friend who said this place was huge with a field of sellers like no other. Though this sale wasn't tiny, it wasn't the biggest one I've been to (that award goes to Dunton so far). It was a blistering hot day and with the concessions only being 50p, it is certainly a well worth going this summer.

Though I was a tad late to when the sale opened, I arrived in high spirits and the first game I spotted was Grand Theft Auto 2 for the Dreamcast. What made this stand out was in fact it was also sealed with original packaging. Though the case was a tad damaged, I thought this was a good find. Also right at the beginning of my search was a lady selling a Gameboy and a Gameboy Pocket. Now the Gameboy Pocket was something of an interest because I don't own one and I have been on the lookout. The thing about this one was that it had a chargeable battery pack attached and so the original back for the Pocket was nowhere to be seen. Plus, there was a bit of damage to the front of the handheld and even though the lady was asking for a fiver, I wasn't entirely happen with it.

Moving on and I spotted some games that I have yet to discover on my travels, some Amstrad games. These were in the cases and looked in really good condition. I also spotted a tape deck player on a stall next to his which has a MO receiver. I got this because my I am still trying to find a Spectrum tape deck but know a normal one will work just fine. All I need is the wire to connect the two and I'm good to go.

The find of the day had to go to a lot of games. In this batch were a total of 5 Dreamcast games, 6 Gamecube games and around 10 PS2 games. All together came to £10. You can't beat that. All the games were in good knick and there were some decent title here. See the list below.
A find that I wished I would of have had the guts to get was a pair of Mario and Luigi costumes. The guy was selling them for £10 each which seemed reasonable at the time, I just didn't have the money for it at the time so left without them.

Great Amwell is a good Car Boot Sale to go to and has some really nice sellers who deal at very fair prices. With this sale being in the Summer only, it's more likely to be on every week, of course, depending on the British weather. I am hoping though that I did go on an off day because I was expecting a bigger market to latch upon. Will be attending this sale again sometime very soon.  

What I got:

Grand Theft Auto 2 DC Sealed Bought for: £2 ebay average: £10 (unsealed)

5 Amstrad Games (3D Boxing, Survivor, Combat Lynx, Avenger, Strong Man) & Chu Chu Rocket DC Bought for £4 ebay average: £10

Tape Deck Bought for: £1 ebay average: Could not find price

5 DC games (Racing Simulation Monaco Grand Prix, Aerowings, Tokyo Highway Challenge, Soul Calibur, Sonic Adventure) , 6 Gamecube games (Enter The Matrix, Star Wars Rogue Leader Squadron 2, Timesplitters Future Perfect, Call Of Duty Finest Hour, Die Hard Vendetta & Soul Calibur 2) & 10 PS2 games (Intellivision The History Of Video Gaming Lives, Hitman 2, Headhunter Redemption, Virtual Cop Elite Edition, Ultimate Spiderman, Crazy Taxi, Stuntman, Canis Canem Edit, Metal Gear Solid 3 & Fantastic 4) Bought for: £10 ebay: £90

Animal Crossing & Professor Layton both DS Bought for: £6 ebay average: £25

Premier Manager Sega Megadrive & Gain Ground Sega Master System Bought for: £1 ebay average: £15

Bioshock Steel Book Xbox 360 Bought for: £4 ebay average: £10

Hyper Street Fighter 2 The Anniversary Edition PS2 Bought for: £2 ebay average: £5

Diablo 1 & 2 PC & Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga PS2 Bought for: £4 ebay average: £35 

*DC stands for Dreamcast

**Prices on ebay taken on the 11th of July 2013

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